Worried about
your mental,
sexual or
physical health?
Whether you’re worried about a football injury, acne, have questions about sexual health, feel low or are just wondering what is normal, get in touch. We will provide a safe and confidential space for you to speak to one of our team.
Important Notices:
Please note that due to the high number of referrals we are receiving, there has been a significant increase in the waiting times to be contacted for an initial assessment/access support.
For anything urgent please contact your regular GP, your local CAMHS emergency line, 111, A&E or 999.
Lambeth and Wandsworth Drop- in
The Well Centre is restarting a drop-in clinic every Monday between 4pm-6pm. Please feel free to come in to our branch at Herne Hill Group Practice and see one of our Health & Wellbeing Practitioners. They might be able to help you within the session or refer you on for further support within our Team.
Please note the drop in is for young people experiencing:
Anxiety Self-esteem
Low mood Managing stress
Bullying Confidence
Sexual Health issues
If you need support with the following, please complete a referral and do NOT attend the drop-in:
Past traumas
Significant eating problems
Children's Mental Health Week (6th - 12th Feb 2023)
Research has shown young Londoner’s are facing a mental health crisis since the start of the pandemic, with a third of young Londoners (34.4%) reporting wellbeing scores indicating depression, and a majority (75.5%) indicating poor wellbeing. Social prescribing provides the opportunity to improve children and young people’s mental health through supporting their emotional and physical wellbeing, not just their medical needs. This video produced by Transformation Partners in Health & Care highlights the experiences of young people and support available at The Well Centre.
How we can help:
Our GPs
- Explore your physical or mental health concerns
- Advise on smoking
- Advise on healthy eating and exercise
- Provide contraception and sexual health advice
- Prescribe medication
Our Health & Wellbeing Practitioners
Provide support with:
- Relationships
- Bullying
- Self-esteem
- Managing stress
- Confidence and Identity
- Referrals to community youth activities
Our Counsellors
Provide support with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Self-harm
- Past traumas
- Eating problems
- Any other emotional worries
Is the advice confidential?
Yes. Anything you discuss with the Well Centre staff will stay confidential within the team. Even if you are under 16 nothing will usually be said to anyone including parents, other family members, care workers or tutors without your permission.
There are a few exceptions to this:
- if you agree we can tell other people in order for them to help to keep you safe.
- if we are concerned that you or anybody else may be harmed or in danger, we are allowed to tell appropriate professionals, but we will discuss that with you at the time.
- if you are being treated elsewhere it is best if you allow the doctor or nurse to inform the practice of any treatment you are receiving. Again, we will ask your permission to do this first.
Can a friend come with me?
Yes. If you’d like to bring a friend (or friends) down to the Well Centre to support you that’s fine. If you’d like them to accompany you when you see the doctor, nurse or health & wellbeing practitioner again that’s fine – you’re in control and can decide how you feel most comfortable.
Can I choose to see a male or female doctor?
Yes. We have both male & female doctors available at The Well Centre. Please let us know your preference at point of booking.
CQC Rated
The Well Centre is regulated and inspected by Care Quality Commission.